About us

After a 15-year Journey in Architecture, Education and Social Entrepreneurship, Architecture in a Box is designed to address the gaps in education, the architecture profession and society.Β 

With focusing on the youth, we are able to provide a cultural outlet that properly introduces them to architecture and engineering disciplines that shape our cities. Our innovative approach helps kids determine their future careers based on pedagogical approach demystifying university education with hands-on guidance.

Architecture in a Box is a Development Tool to help our community Grow Sustainably Together by learning by doing. While the Future is heading towards AI and Smart automation systems in our cities, agriculture and other aspects in Life, It is important that we equip future generations with the right tools and resources to become empowered to lead adopting new systems in the most productive way!

We train young minds to become passionate and successful Future Smart Citizens and teach them how to apply Creative and Critical thinking in solving our everyday problems.

There are ranges of products in which the advanced levels will allow kids to solve complex problems by building prototypes using design thinking. This way, kids will be transformed from passive users to proactive smart citizens in the city.

Β Our mission and what we aim to do:

  • To educate the youth using architecture education in a fun way.
  • To inspire the youth to be the smart citizens of tomorrow
  • To introduce cities and cultures through learning by doing activities
  • We aim to aspire creativity, radical collaboration, and critical thinking to allow Teenagers to solve problems with future innovations

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